wedding Car Rental
wedding Car Rental
wedding Car Rental

Car : Chrysler 300C

Colour : Silver

Rates : $588 for 10hrs

(Subsequent hours are charged at $10/hr for midnight hours between 12midnight to 7am)

All Rates are inclusive of Chauffeur, Petrol & Decor.

All Parking and ERP charges are also included.


1.This package is exclusively for chauffeuring the bridal couple only. No third party is allowed without the bridal couple in the vehicle. For third party chauffeuring, an additional charge will apply.

2.Strictly NOT for car display purposes or parking at wedding venue or hotel lobby etc. Please note chauffeur service ends and driver will leave upon arrival at the hotel or the last venue / destination as stated in the itinerary - the vehicle will NOT be parked for display after the last trip.

3.All confirmed itinerary must be provided by 2 weeks prior to the wedding date. Any changes to the itinerary 3 days prior to the wedding date is subject to our approval.

4.Any damages to the Vehicle will be charged to the Hirer.